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What exactly do you mean by “Progressive Faith Community"?

Being an unapologetically progressive Christian community means: 


STRIVING for peace by struggling for justice for human beings and all of creation; doing justice, loving kindness, and moving humbly with the Divine and one another by following Jesus' Way. 


AFFIRMING the goodness of creation and humanity by joyfully welcoming into community all people, celebrating our difference in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, faith background, education, and abilities. We affirm, respect, and honor people and their spiritual paths, especially those on journeys different from ours.


SEARCHING and finding more grace in the search for understanding than we do in dogmatic certainty—more value in questioning than in absolutes. We journey together on a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.


Are you a church?

Tough question! And we love questions.

We are a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We think of ourselves as a spiritual community. Our mission is simple: do justice, love mercy, and move humbly. We intentionally choose to rent our worship space rather than owning physical property. The church is made up of God's people, not brick and mortar. We build relationships, not structures. We meet people where they "live, move, and have their being" (Acts 17); in community centers, coffee shops, bakeries, the Capitol steps, social clubs, breweries, laundromats, parks and prisons.


Are you Christians?

You don’t sound like the Christians I hear about.

Our favorite question! And we love questions.


YES! Although people of all faiths and no faith are honored and welcome to gather and work for justice with us, our unapologetically progressive identity is grounded in a wholly Christian context. 


We follow the loving, inclusive way of Jesus together.  We are saddened and angered by the extremist, exclusive, condemning and violent nature of Christianity entangled in imperialism, white supremacy, patriarchy, classism, heterosexism, sexism, and ableism.  We confess that Christian individuals and structures, especially ourselves and our denominations, have much to actively repent for and confess, our past and present. While we recognize that dominant forms of Christianity are steeped in systems of power and oppression, our work and worship that strives for love, justice, and radical forgiveness & welcome is truly Christian. 

We are part of the Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ).

Learn More:

Mailing Address:

511 Des Moines Street

Des Moines, IA

© 2022 by Downtown Disciples

Worship Address:

2326 University Avenue, Des Moines IA 

(Parking in back & free street Parking on the block surrounding) 

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